Learning Activities for Piano

There are so many activities to choose from, but here are a few for your aspiring pianist! Have fun.

Sidewalk Chalk Piano

So simple, yet so much fun! This can be used for kids of all ages in many different ways. Here are suggestions for younger and older children:

Young Children – Complete Beginners

  • Work on the musical Alphabet – Have kids draw in their letters, show how the musical alphabet repeats itself.
  • Call out a letter name and have the child jump on the key with that letter.
  • Walk along each key and say letter names
  • Count the number of keys
  • Have your child write the letter names on each piano key.

Older Children – try not to draw in the letters!

  • Have them draw the chalk keyboard from memory. Tell them to do 1 octave, or 2!
  • Call out letter names and have your child jump to the correct key (no letters on keyboard).
  • Have your child start on one key, then tell them to move an interval higher or lower. (An interval is the distance from one key to another, counting the first and last keys)
  • Example. Have child start on “C”. Tell them jump up a 5th. – The child should move to “G”, which is 5 notes higher than C.


Online Games:


  • Mighty Music Man: Identify the correct notes on the piano to help Mighty Music Man deliver the piano to the new owner.!

Advanced Beginners – Intermediate:

  • Music Match: This game has options.
  • Learn the Notes: The game throws up a bunch of notes on the grand staff. They highlight a piano key in red and you need to identify the correct note on the staff.
  • Learn the Keys: This option highlights 1 note on the grand staff in red. Your job is to pick the correct note on the keyboard below.

**Note** Middle C is the 3rd C on the visible keyboard layout!

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