Recitals are a great opportunity for both the students and teachers to exhibit the progress made throughout the year. Parents and guests play a big part as well, and should be shown their role as the supportive team behind their performers.

With that being said, as an audience member at a music recital, you should be aware of the following rules of etiquette to ensure a great experience for yourself and others:

  • Please refrain from any talk, whisper, or chatter during the performances. Students please set a good example by demonstrating appropriate audience behavior.
  • STAY UNTIL THE RECITAL IS COMPLETELY OVER.  Leaving early from a recital is usually a rude move. Performers and attendees are here to support each other and their hard work. Watching members of the audience leave as a performer walks on stage can be deflating. 🙁
  • Give enthusiastic and encouraging applause to ALL of the students! They have worked hard all year!
  • Please dress nicely. Recitals are a special occasion and so it is customary to dress nicely.
  • Once the recital begins, please listen and be quiet. Crying babies or restless little ones should be taken out of the hall. Extra noise is very distracting to the performer.
  • Silence Cell Phones or other devices – no vibrate either.   The distracting sound is a given, but the light from your cell phone can also be disturbing to those around you. Be considerate of their experience.
  • Be On Time. If something happens out of you’re control, and you do arrive late make sure to wait to enter between pieces when you hear applause. DO NOT enter while someone is performing!
  • Compositions that have movements or suites are, in general, performed without applause in the middle. (You’ll see multiple titles in the program to give you a hint)
  • For the comfort of others, stay home if you have a cold or a cough.
  • Enjoy! Your presence is the greatest affirmation!