Parents want the best for the children, and that means exposing them to all different kinds of activities. Many are interested in music lessons at a young age because they know how beneficial music can be for a developing mind – let alone the joy it can bring to their child’s life.

Parents are eager to get young children involved, but what is best for a 3 or 4 year old?

Very few 3 to 4 year olds are ready for traditional private lessons. Around the age of 5 most children are able to pick up an instrument like violin or piano. Luckily there are other options that you can explore before that time comes!

Music and Movement classes are great choices for 3 and 4 year olds! These classes set the stage for multi-sensory learning that will boost areas of your child’s development through many different learning styles.

Your child will increase independence, social and emotional skills, self control and even aid in early language, literacy and listening skills. Think of how all of these combined will also make your little one more “school ready” and successful when that day comes. For an example, let’s look at how certain activities will help develop certain skills.

  • Singing encourages oral language skills, physical development, and an understanding of concepts such as sequence and patterning.
  • Playing rhythm instruments strengthens eye–hand coordination and body awareness as children play high and low, slow and fast, and loudly and softly.
  • Moving to music develops children’s coordination, flexibility, self-expression, and body awareness.

Science continues to demonstrate, that young children thrive on music. Below are even more ways music and movement are vital for children.

  • Music engages the brain while stimulating neural pathways associated with such higher forms of intelligence as abstract thinking, empathy, and mathematics.
  • Music’s melodic and rhythmic patterns provide exercise for the brain and help develop memory.
  • Music is an aural art and young children are aural learners. Since ears are fully mature before birth, infants begin learning from the sounds of their environment before birth.
  • Music is perfectly designed for training children’s listening skills. Good listening skills and school achievement go hand in hand.
  • Music is a creative experience which involves expression of feelings. Children often do not have the words to express themselves and need positive ways to release their emotions.
  • Music transmits culture and is an avenue by which beloved songs, rhymes, and dances can be passed down from one generation to another.
  • Music is a social activity which involves family and community participation.

As published in Early Childhood Connections.

What are you waiting for? Get your child involved in music today! 🙂

“Our approach revolves around building quality students to master the world of music.”

“Our approach revolves around building quality students to master the world of music.”